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Domaine Thuronis - Cotabul

Domaine Thuronis - Cotabul

It’s the weekend, and you tiptoe to the beach. As usual, you come equipped in full beach gear consisting of a water-resistant sun lotion SPF 99, an umbrella with zero UV transmissible coating, a multifunctional beach chair with carbon armrests and a cool box with built-in temperature regulation system to keep those beverages and sandwiches at precisely 7.32 C°. Jeez, the army should have recruited you, so you could single-handedly save the world. There is only one thing missing in your survival pack: Red sparkling summer juice in a bottle. 🫐🏝️☀️

  • Winemaker – Domaine Thuronis
  • Grapes – Malbec
  • Country – France, Languedoc, Alaigne, Turonis
  • Year – 2021
  • Size – 75cl
  • Alcohol – 10%
  • Funkometer – 62/100
  • Snack – Mushroom bruschetta
  • Be careful when opening – 💥💣 
Regular price €25,00
Regular price Sale price €25,00
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
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